
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Look-See trip

We are in the middle of our look-see trip.  This is where you are suppose to spend 5 days in country to find a school for your children, a place to live and get oriented to the new location.  How anyone can accomplish all of these tasks in so few days is beyond me.  Add to this the fact I must find a doctor and it is mission impossible.

Luckily for us, I looked at schools when we visited Bangalore in September and the school decision has been made.  We are going to the school Monday to finalize paperwork and to let Ken see the school.  The boys will be attending an IB school in the very north part of town. 

We left Austin on Wednesday July 11th, and arrived in Bangalore at 3:30am on July 13th.  We met the individual who will be helping us with this process at 11 am on Friday.  Yes we were exhausted, but we have limited time.  We then proceeded to look at 12 properties that day.  If you have ever been house hunting you know that by the time you get to property 5 or 6 you are starting to forget what the first property was like.  Add to this the massive jet lag and I am not sure if we are remembering anything accurately.  We have decided on our top three and will be looking at them today.  I was hoping to post some pictures of the choices, but my phone died when we were looking.    Unfortunately, one of the places we thought we would like to live has been black listed by IBM.  We were not allowed to even look at the location.  We contacted the policy people and asked for an exception and after some convincing, we got approval to look at Pebble Bay.  We still do not have approval to live there if we like it but we can go look at it.

Eugenie, the person helping us with everything in Bangalore, took us on a city orientation on Saturday.  It included a stop at a new grocery store with a lot of imported goods.  It was great to be able to check out what is available and at what price.  I will be going to Costco to buy a few jars of peanut butter.  An 8 oz jar was approximately $4.  If anyone is heading to Bangalore while we are here, please let us know.  We may ask you to bring some of our favorite items to us.

Sunday was a day off for Eugenie so we spent the day with another couple from IBM who is leaving in 3 weeks.  They took us to some places around town to shop and gave us plenty of first hand advice on how to handle the International Assignment.  I also decided to get a massage.  I decided to get a traditional Indian massage which is very different.  I think I will wait and post on that adventure separately. 

Today we are off to finalize the paperwork for the school, look at the top three housing choices, Pebble Bay, and buy school uniforms.  We are starting to get past the jet lag and should be right on Bangalore time on Thursday when we are scheduled to fly home.

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