
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We were unsure what to expect for Thanksgiving since it is really a true American holiday.  It seems that most people know about Thanksgiving.  They have no idea how it originated but everyone seems to know it as a holiday where Americans eat a lot and then shop the next day.  There are several restaurants in Bangalore which serve special Thanksgiving dinners.  We decided that since the kids had school to eat in and so we ordered a turkey and ham dinner and joined with another American family in the neighborhood to celebrate.  There were only 7 of us at dinner and we had enough food for at least 20 with appetizers and 3 desserts, so a typical Thanksgiving dinner.

It was a great time and we all had to tell 3 things we were thankful for and it had to be related to moving to India.  My oldest went first and said he was thankful for a good cook, good maid and good driver.  Can't say I disagree with him.  Having people to help during this very big adjustment has been great.  My youngest was thankful for the food we have to eat and the nice house we live in, however, unlike in the Texas, he seemed to truly be thankful.  He was also thankful for new friends he has met. Ken was thankful that he does not live in the village behind our house, that he does not live near the train (inside joke . The people we were with live near a train while we live near a Mosque with very loud prayers many times a day) and for the good friends we have made.  I agreed with N about the good cook, B and Ken about the friends (especially those we had Thanksgiving with) and I was also thankful for all the places and experiences we will get to have  by accepting the assignment   We went to London and Paris on the way here, we plan to go to Hong Kong and Taiwan over the winter break, the Taj Mahal in February, Goa in March and some local trips driving distance over weekends.  That is all in our first nine months.  Then I get to plan the summer and next years trips.  Our savings may be depleted when we get back but we will have some great memories.  

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