
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Are you going to be here next year?

This is the time of year that many people are finding out if they will be staying in their current location, moving to a new location or returning home.  It is stressful for me during this time as not only do we not know what is happening with us, many of our friends in India are also unsure.  The one thing that is certain is that we will definitely be saying goodbye to some new and dear friends.

We were told this morning to plan as if we are returning to Austin this summer and it made me realize how much I was hoping to stay just one more year.  Nothing is absolutely certain yet but this does seem the most likely outcome right now. I will miss the school my children attend as it has been a place where they have both felt at home and have done well.  I will miss my new friends who have helped me see things from different perspectives.  I am thankful for all the blessings in my life that I now see more clearly.  I will treasure the opportunities we have been able to take advantage of, most especially the travel.  We figured out that in the last 20 months that we have been in 10 countries.  We have been to the Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, seen the Terracotta Warriors, the Eifel Tower, several museums, temples,and mosques. and been to every Disney not on American soil and so much more.  We could have saved more money for college but I firmly believe the experiences have been worth every penny we have spent.

I will NOT miss the disorganization of India, the daily(sometimes hourly) power cuts, the trash in Bangalore, rats, cobras, insane driving and seeing people peeing on the side of the street.

We have lived where we are in the minority in just about every way. We have met people who think the USA is the best place in the world and people who think Americans are absolutely insane.  I now have a good idea of how people from various places view our nation.  I now have friends to visit in many nations and my children are already planning who they want to visit next summer.  One wants to go the Australia and Hong Kong while the other wants to head to Sweden and London.   Hopefully with all the social media we will be able to keep in touch with these friends for a lifetime.

Friendship is the most precious thing I take away from this experience.  It is what makes a temporary assignment so difficult.  When the time comes to return home you are both happy and sad at the same time.  Happy to reunite with friends from the past and sad to leave the very deep friendships that are formed in the expat world.

When I return to the USA, I know it will feel as if everything has changed but I know it is really me that has changed.  My world view will never be the same.  It will take me a while to reintegrate into American society and I will need to remember to be gentle with myself and my family during the transition.  That will be my job during this uncertain time.  I will try to help us all reintegrate without stressing out too much.  I just need to remember to breath and of course, schedule a massage.